1. Fill out the registration form. Do not forgot to accept our Terms.

After registration you will receive an email with your username and password as well as an activation link.

  1. Activate your account by following the instructions in the activation email.

You are now registered to our network and can login using your credentials. Fill out your entire profile for an optimal experience.

Simply navigate to the Login page and enter your credentials.

If you’ve forgotten your password you can use this form to reset your password.

If you’ve forgotten your password you can use this form to reset your password.

Upon logging in you will be automatically redirected to your profile. Else, click on your name or profile picture to go to your profile page. On your profile page you can click on edit (located just below profile) to fill out your profile fields.

To improve the quality of our dating network all fields are mandatory.

To send messages to other members you will first need to become friends with each other. After which you can use the send message button on their profile.

You can also send messages to friends by going to your messages. Click on the inbox icon located next to your profile picture. From there you can start new conversations.

To close and remove your account go to your profile -> settings -> delete account and follow the instructions.

Caution: deleting your account will delete all of your data. This action is irrecoverable.

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